Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Love Lists...

The title says it all...I LOVE lists. Any kind of list. I may even have a slight obsession with them. Here is a list of reasons why I think I love lists so much:)

1. They help me organize my thoughts
2. Keep me from forgetting things
3. Everything is organized
4. Putting a checkmark by a completed task makes me feel AMAZING
5. It's fun to look back at them to see what I have accomplished and what I still have left to do

I think that many people make "to do" lists and I also make these but I make many more lists...in fact...I write lists of future lists I want to make. Here are some samples of lists I make...

1. To do Lists
2. Bucket Lists
3. Lists with bills
4. Grocery Lists
5. Errands to run
6. Gift lists
7. Lists of recipes I want to make
8. Housecleaning lists
9. Lists of topics that I want to learn about/write about

I would definitely say that I'm an "idea" person. So, with all of those ideas there is also a lot of chaos. Writing a list helps me to organize the chaos so I can see everything clearly and I can always add to it if I think of something else. I used to have trouble falling asleep at night because of so many thoughts swirling around in my head so I started my lovely list writing habit. I noticed that putting down all of my thoughts on paper helps my mind to relax because I know everything I'm thinking at that particular moment will still be there in the morning...hand written in one of my lovely list notebooks.  That's write I have notebooks dedicated solely to lists. There is nothing better than a brand new notebook or notepad just waiting to get written on.

I know this post is probably more than a little random but I'm pretty sure my list making habit will come up in the future so I thought a little background might be nice. It's off to bed for me with another fun day of office work ahead of me...If you're bored feel free to count how many times I said "list" in this post:) Nighty-night!

Oh you know, just my Christmas Card List:)

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