Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm an ENFP. What are you?!

I retook the Myers-Briggs Personality type test tonight. I know I have done this before and I don't think I have changed...I'm an ENFP. Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver. It is so crazy to me how absolutely accurate my personality type describes me.

My mind is constantly filled with ideas as I think I have previously discussed and it turns out this is all due to my personality type. I want to know everything. I want to do everything. Maybe learning to understand my personality type will help me to better understand how to battle the weaknesses of the ENFP.

In an effort to reach my future goals, and not get sidelined by my personality type, I came up with 3 (well sorta 4) very broad goals.

1. Have a Happy Family 
 - Not that I don't right now but I'm sure there is always something to work on. I think it's very important to work towards maintaining relationships with your family. 

2. Do what I love (career focused)
 - I feel like this may be the toughest for me to accomplish because I love so many things. 

3. Become stronger in my faith
 - Definitely religious but I know I have a lot to learn and plenty of room to grow. 

4. Figure out the steps it takes to accomplish goals 1-3. 

Tomorrows goal: Add subcategories/specifics to the above goals

For all you ENFP's out there!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Once a Day...

I have a million ideas and my brain swarms with them constantly. With these ideas comes a slight problem...I become so overwhelmed with all my ideas that I never accomplish any of them. How frustrating is that?!

Today while my brain was whirling about I had a thought...Do one thing every day that will help me to eventually reach my future goals. Not exactly a ground breaking idea I realize, but I still feel like it has potential. Lots of times I get frustrated because I like instant gratification. Let's face it, who doesn't?! Hopefully with setting short term daily goals for myself I can one day reach them all.

Tomorrow's goal: Make a list of my goals:)

Today's goal: Go to bed early enough that I get something done tomorrow! :)